Back in the
\nbeginning of
\ntime, there
\nlived an infant
\ndragon at the
\nend of the
\nuniverse, people
\ncalled him Red
\nDragon. It was
\nnot easy to
\nsurvive the
\nextreme weather
\nand the rugged
\nterrain with
\nsteaming hot
\nlava lakes. At
\nnight, it was
\nhard to spot
\nwhere Red Dragon
\nwas. The cold
\nweather changed
\nthe colour of
\nhis blood, so he
\nappeared to be
\nblue in colour,
\nunder the blue
\nLaunch Red
\nDragon now to
\nexperience to
\nlife of this
\ncreature. Red
\nDragon offers
\nFree Games with
\nUnlimited Spin
\nMode.<\/p>\n\u901a\u535a.cc \u7c89\u7d72\u5c08\u9801<\/a>\n\u901a\u535a.cc \u63a8\u7279\u5c08\u9801<\/a>\n\u76f8\u95dc\u6587\u7ae0:<\/h3>\n