\u5982\u679c\u8cfd\u679c\u7d50\u5408\u8b93\u7403\u70ba\u5e73\u5c40\uff0c\u90a3\u9ebd\u73a9\u5bb6\u7684\u6295\u6ce8\u91d1\u984d\u5c07\u5168\u6578\u9000\u56de\uff0c\u6b64\u4fd7\u7a31 \u8d70\u76e4\u3002<\/p>\n
\n\u8cbc\u6c34\uff0c\u5373\u6bd4\u8cfd\u7d50\u679c\u51fa\u4f86\u4ee5\u5f8c\uff0c\u535a\u5f69\u8005\u7684\u7372\u53d6\u5f69\u91d1\u7684\u7cfb\u6578\u3002 \u9019\u88e1\u8981\u548c\u73a9\u5bb6\u8aaa\u660e\u4e00\u4e0b\uff0c
\u901a\u535a \u904b\u5f69 \u65b9\u6cd5 \u5fc3\u614b \u7d93\u9a57 \u9ad4\u80b2 \u6280\u5de7 \u77e5\u8b58 \u5a1b\u6a02\u57ce<\/p>\n
\u8b93\u7403\u76e4\u53c8\u5305\u62ec\u55ae\u7968\u548c\u5957\u7968\u5169\u7a2e\u3002 \u55ae\u7968\u6307\u7684\u662f\u4e00\u5834\u6bd4\u8cfd\u4e2d\u4e00\u652f\u7403\u968a\u958b\u51fa\u4e00\u500b\u8b93\u7403\u76e4\uff0c<\/p>\n
GlossaryToHandicap is also called single win, which can be understood as betting on the winning team
\nin a specified match.
\nIf the result of the match is tied with a handicap, then the player’s bet amount will be refunded in full,
\nwhich is commonly known as a move.
\nGenerally speaking, a handicap is composed of three parts, the two teams participating in the game, the
\nnumber of handicap (commonly known as the handicap, as in the above example, half ball\/one ball) andThe
\ndiscount is the coefficient of the bettor’s winnings after the game result comes out. I want to explain to the
\nplayers here,Generally speaking, there are two types of discounts for Asian Gaming Company Handicap, one
\nis represented by Macau Gaming Company, and the sum of the upper and lower discounts is 1.85.Another type
\nis commonly known as the Indonesian plate, and the sum of the premium on the upper and lower plates is 1.90. At
\nthe same time, the discount is divided into low water, flat water, and high water according to the level of the
\nIn addition, the two teams participating in the game are commonly referred to as upper and lower sets. And
\nthe side that gives the ball is the hanging game.If the handicap is tied, the side with the lower discount
\nis the hanging hand.<\/p>\n\u901a\u535a.cc \u7c89\u7d72\u5c08\u9801<\/a>\n\u901a\u535a.cc \u63a8\u7279\u5c08\u9801<\/a>\n\u76f8\u95dc\u6587\u7ae0:<\/h3>\n