\n2\u3001\u5e73\/\u534a \u5347\u76e4 \u5e73\u624b\uff0c\u5347\u6c34\u518d\u964d\u76e4\u518d\u5347\u6c34\uff0c\u4e0b\u76e4\u7403\u968a\u4e0d\u6557
\n\u8209\u4f8b\uff1a1.025 \u5e73\u624b 0.825\uff0c\u53d7\u6ce8\u9ad8\u92d2\u7684\u6642\u5019\uff0c\u8b8a\u62100.80 \u53d7\u5e73\/\u534a 1.05
\u901a\u535a \u904b\u5f69 \u65b9\u6cd5 \u5fc3\u614b \u7d93\u9a57 \u9ad4\u80b2 \u6280\u5de7 \u77e5\u8b58 \u5a1b\u6a02\u57ce
\n\u6b50\u8ce0\u65b9\u9762\u4e5f\u50c5\u7565\u652f\u6301\u4e0a\u76e4\uff0c\u9019\u7a2e\u76e4\u6709\u6642\u5019\u5f80\u5f80\u6253\u51fa\u00a0 \u7684\u6a5f\u7387\u9084\u6bd4\u8f03\u5927\u3002
\n\u5373\u662f\u53d7\u95dc\u6ce8\u7684\u6bd4\u8cfd\uff0c\u4f46\u662f\u5230\u81e8\u5834\u7684\u6642\u5019\uff0c\u6c34\u4f4d\u9084\u9019\u6a23\u4e0a\u4e0b\u6ce2 \u52d5\uff0c
\n\u5982\u679c\u7d50\u5408\u7684\u662f\u7acb\u535a1.57\u9ad4\u7cfb\u8ce0\u7387\uff0c\u4e0a\u76e4\u5fc5\u6b7b\uff08\u8d85\u91cd\uff09 16\u3001\u6b50\u8ce0\u6c92\u6709\u4efb\u4f55\u8b8a\u52d5\u7684\u60c5\u6cc1\u4e0b\uff0c
All games can be tried for free on Tongbo. Many featured games are in Tongbo. \u00a0 1. Strong dialogue, the customer
\nmakes the hemisphere more successful 2. Tie\/Half-Promotion Tie, premium and then drop and then premium, the team is
\nunbeaten in the next set 3. Strong vs. weak: One-goal set, 3 hours before the betting high forward, half back\/one
\nset, the hanging plate is overheated, and there is no precipitation on the spot, but the premium is shallow, and the
\nhanging plate is disadvantageous. 4. When Europax supports a tie, the Asian game is strongly raised and tied when
\nthe high forward is betting, and the listing is unfavorable. For example: 1.025 draw 0.825, when the bet is high
\nforward, it becomes 0.80 draw\/half 1.05 5. If a strong team maintains half\/one 80 water for a long time, it will be
\ndifficult to win in the last set<\/p><\/div>\n
\u00a0 6. The home team has been in a good state recently, and the team with the same strength at home will only make a
\n tie, and the listing is not good. 7. There is a kind of shallow temptation and deep temptation for the rich team as
\n guests. Sometimes it only makes the draw\/half, and gives a high water of 925 or more. The European compensation only
\n slightly supports the listing. Sometimes this kind of game is often The chance of playing is still relatively high.
\n But if you let the hemisphere and give a high water above 925, the water level does not change when the high forward
\n is injected, then the hanging is very dangerous. \u00a0<\/p>\n\u901a\u535a.cc \u7c89\u7d72\u5c08\u9801<\/a>\n\u901a\u535a.cc \u63a8\u7279\u5c08\u9801<\/a>\n\u76f8\u95dc\u6587\u7ae0:<\/h3>\n