黑暗中獨自離開家。在夜深的陰影中,有什麼怪物潛伏在那裡?沙沙聲,重擊聲,敲擊聲……床底下可能藏著任何東西。憑藉令人興奮的新《狂風大冒險》功能,免費旋轉模式和電影般的第二屏紅利回合,Under the Bed是Betsoft Gaming的另一款頂級老虎機。
Jessie and Jane have been left home alone, in the dark. What monsters lurk there, in the deep shadows of the night? A rustle, a thump, a clank… there could be anything at all lurking UNDER THE BED. With an exciting new STICKING WILD feature, free spins mode and cinematic second screen bonus round, UNDER THE BED is another top-of-the-line slot machine from Betsoft Gaming.