通博-playngo Slots

是一款視頻賓果遊戲。 最多激活4張卡,可通過單獨單擊卡來打開/關閉。按新卡更改所有卡上的號碼。按PLAY開始比賽。從總共90個球中抽出30個球。獲獎組合將顯示在卡片上。當一張卡上有多個花樣時,將頒發所有花樣獎品,但是只有當任何一種花樣完全被較高支付的花樣覆蓋時,才會給出最高花樣獎。 當所有30個球都被釋放後,當只需要1個球來贏得等於或大於每張牌下注12倍的賭注時,觸發EXTRA BALL功能。每個額外球的成本在屏幕上指定。最多可以購買13個EXTRA BALLS。當只需要一個球來贏得等於或大於每張牌下注200倍的獎金時,第13個額外球將被解鎖。神的禮物可以在第1,第2和第3個額外的球上隨機觸發,這個額外的球是免費的。 每個眾神都有其獨特的獎勵遊戲,雷神索爾(Thor)神靈,奧丁(ODIN)智慧神,弗雷亞(Freya)美麗神靈,海姆達爾(HEIMDALL)的警惕神靈。當在卡上形成外圍圖案時觸發獎勵遊戲。每次觸發後,活躍的上帝都會改變。
Viking Runecraft Bingo
Viking Runecraft Bingo is a video bingo game. Activate up to 4 cards, that can be toggled ON/OFF by clicking on the cards individually. Press NEW CARDS to change the numbers on all the cards. Press PLAY to initiate the round. 30 balls will be drawn from a total of 90 balls. Winning combinations will be shown on the cards. All pattern prizes will be awarded when there are multiple patterns achieved on one card, however the highest pattern prize will be given only if any pattern is completely covered by the higher paying pattern. Trigger the EXTRA BALL feature after all 30 balls have been released, when only 1 ball is required to win prize equal to or greater than 12x the bet per card. The cost of each EXTRA BALL is specified on-screen. Up to 13 EXTRA BALLS can be purchased. The 13th extra ball is unlocked when only 1 ball is required to win a prize equal to or greater than 200x the bet per card. The GIFT OF THE GODS can be triggered randomly on 1st, 2nd and 3rd extra balls, this extra ball is free. Each Gods has their unique BONUS GAME, GOD OF THUNDER for THOR, GOD OF WISDOM for ODIN, GODDESS OF BEAUTY for FREYA and GOD OF VIGILANCE for HEIMDALL. BONUS GAMES triggered when the perimeter pattern is formed on the card. The active God will change after each trigger.
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- JY娛樂城-快訊-印度投資-科技新創公司雲頂或推新產品迎合年輕人
